• 1 No signs present. No rabbits seen
  • 2 Very infrequent signs present. Unlikely to see rabbits.
  • 3 Infrequent signs present. A buck heap per 10m or more. Odd rabbits may be seen.
  • 4 Frequent signs present. A buck heap per 5m or more. Groups of rabbits may be seen.
  • 5 Very infrequent signs present. Unlikely to see rabbits.
  • 6 Very infrequent signs present. Unlikely to see rabbits.
  • 7 Very infrequent signs present. Unlikely to see rabbits.
  • 8 Very infrequent signs present. Unlikely to see rabbits.

Signs of rabbits include scratchings and diggings in the ground and characteristic dung heaps known as buck heaps.


Rabbits are New Zealand’s second major vertebrate pest problem, only after possums. When effective rabbit control is not conducted, the number of rabbits can grow and spread quickly, causing widespread damage to pasture; crops; vegetation and soils, seriously affecting the viability of farming in some areas.

The Modified McLean Scale (MMS) is used by Councils to assess rabbit infestation. Land owners must comply with a maximum allowable level of 3 MMS to ensure populations are kept in check, limiting the opportunity for rabbit populations to reach destructive levels.

Unfortunately, rabbit control is a multi-pronged and ongoing process. However Pindone has proven to be very effective in the control of rabbit populations, in conjunction with an ongoing rabbit control plan.


Pindone is an anticoagulant bait lethal to rabbits.

While deadly to rabbits, Pindone Rabbit Bait is less hazardous to non-target species as a great deal of Pindone would need to be consumed for them to suffer poisonous effects.

This is because Pindone Rabbit Bait is considered a first generation anticoagulant. Rather than having a lethal dose in a single ingestion, Pindone requires multiple ingestions over consecutive days to accumulate a lethal dose.

Pindone Rabbit Bait is a safer bait option that reduces the danger to domestic pets, whilst maintaining lethality to rabbits, who are highly likely to munch down on baited pellets or carrots over several days.

Pindone Rabbit Bait reduces the clotting power of blood causing internal haemorrhaging. Although rabbits will take several days and several consumptions to reach a lethal dose, once reached, the rabbit’s death is swift and painless. Most of the time the rabbits’ death occurs in the burrow,
meaning clean up is not required and the risk of secondary poisoning to non-target species, such as dogs, is low.

In the unlikely event that a pet manages to consume a significant volume of Pindone Rabbit Bait, their gums will become very pink to signify their exposure. A visit to the vet for a Vitamin K injection will have them on their way in no time.

Pindone Rabbit Pellets


Pindone is the only rabbit bait considered safe enough to be available to the general public. This publicly available product is in the form of pellets for use in multifeeder bait stations or similar.

The NoPests Multifeeder Bait Stations are ideally suited for small blocks such as lifestyle blocks, green belt areas, orchards, market gardens, vineyards, golf courses, parks, reserves and private gardens.

NoPests Multifeeder Bait Stations are easy and safe to transport and can be refilled on site. The, canister construction protects Pindone Rabbit Bait from decay and exposure to the elements. The design eliminates  pillage and waste, and is ideally suited for rabbits.

The outer sleeve allows the size of the portholes to be adjusted, or to be closed off entirely to become sealed, dry and weatherproof. This may be necessary with varying weather conditions, or if children or dogs are to be in the area.

Other bait stations are available.

small block


Pellets are a great solution for treating very large blocks of land as they are much more convenient than  carrots. Pellets arrive ready to go and do not take any further preparation, they also stay fresh for much longer than carrots




Fresh baited carrots are much more palatable than pellets because of the sweetness and high water content. However baited carrots don’t stay fresh for long and are far less palatable once decay has set in.





Aerial application of pellets or carrots can be a great option for rugged landscapes that are not easily accessible. Aerial application may be convenient however contracting costs are likely to be greater than with ground application.




Ground application of pellets or carrots can be a great option for flatter landscapes, or in the scenario where a land owner can apply themselves as long as they hold a Controlled Substance License.


The most common pitfall of rabbit control is forgetting that there is no silver bullet. As annoying as it is,  rabbit control must be a multi-pronged and ongoing process, if it is to be successful. This flow chart can assist you with selecting the most appropriate first steps for your own rabbit control plan. As you can see this will probably consist of several steps to be completed on an ongoing basis.


The most common pitfall of rabbit control is forgetting that there is no silver bullet. As annoying as it is,  rabbit control must be a multi-pronged and ongoing process, if it is to be successful. This flow chart can assist you with selecting the most appropriate first steps for your own rabbit control plan. As you can see this will probably consist of several steps to be completed on an ongoing basis.


Not Enough Bait

Too few baited pellets or carrots will result in very little effect on the rabbit population. Ensure you have enough bait.

Rabbits are Neophobic

Rabbits don’t trust new things so leaving empty bait stations out or using a non toxic prefeed pellet for a  eriod, may be a good idea.

Too Many Competition Animals

Rats or possums could gobble up all your Pindone Rabbit Bait and leave none for the rabbits, so ensure you have addressed other pest problems before tackling the rabbits.

Too Many Competition Foods

The time of year will affect how readily available alternative foods are available to rabbits. Select a time of year when other foods are limited so uptake of bait will be high.

Too Few Bait Stations or Insufficient Length of Time

Ensure you have enough bait stations for the rabbit population and refill as necessary for an extended amount of time. Too few or not long enough will result in very little effect on the rabbit population.



Aerial Pindone Application
Maryburn Conservation Area, Twizel
August 2016

Pindone RS5 Rabbit Pellets have proved an incredible success for the Twizel Department of Conservation. Five hundred hectares of rabbit-overrun grazing land has been rejuvenated for a new conservation area, improving from a very extreme pre-treatment, Level 8 MMS (Modified McLean Scale) to a Level 1 MMS post-treatment.

Pindone RS5 Rabbit Pellets have proven to be exceptionally effective in this case and will remain so thanks to the recently expanded rabbit-proof fencing which surrounds the area.

Six weeks post-treatment, a night shoot was conducted using night-vision and thermal imaging optics. Zero rabbits were detected in the larger 400ha block, and just three rabbits were detected in the smaller 100ha block. These three appear to have entered through a small hole in the rabbit-proof fence that was uncovered.



Aerial Pindone Application
Tasman Valley, Mount Cook
September 2016

The terrain nature of the Tasman Valley conservation area is not easily accessible by vehicles, which limits viable methods of rabbit control for the area. Aerial application of Pindone RS5 Rabbit Pellets was the obvious choice for the task of improving the state of the rabbit population in this area.

The pre-treatment score of Level 4-5 MMS (Modified McLean Scale) was averaged for the whole area, but it was suspected to contain pockets of larger densities in some of the hard to reach, unexplored scrub zones.

Pindone RS5 Rabbit Pellets have proven to be effective in this case with post-treatment inspections having recorded just a few rabbit sightings along the edge of the application zone.

“At the end of the day, it’s still expensive, but it is very cost effective compared to the alternative of doing nothing.”


For many years the Wanaka Airport has had major rabbit issues; digging holes under containers, in the grass runway and gardens.

A pesticide operation four years ago yielded good results with a possible 50% hit rate. However it was not followed up with further control methods and Winter 2016 saw the problem surpass previous levels.

Six weeks following the ground application of Pindone RS5 Rabbit Pellets, an inspection by the Otago Regional Council confirmed around a 96% hit rate. We are following up with professional night shoots and I would not anticipate needing another pesticide operation for some considerable time.


“The difference was huge!”

Ralph Fegan
Operations Manager
Wanaka Airport


Pindone RS5 Rabbit Pellets are the rabbit toxin of choice for the Department of Conservation Twizel District. The RS5 bait matrix has been their choice of rabbit toxin since the early 1990s.

Excellent control results have been achieved at many DOC treatment sites, including two successful island rabbit eradications.

Pindone Rabbit Pellets provide bait versatility that cannot be emulated by any carrot or oat based rabbit bait. Features include the ability to store product for lengthy periods awaiting optimal conditions, uniformity of bait and toxic loading, ease and cleanliness of storage and use, ability to use most of year, reduced staff inputs
when delivering control operations (ground or aerial) and ability to use long term in bait stations with good results.

“The rabbit toxin of choice for DOC Twizel”

Neil Bolton
Senior Ranger
Department of Conservation Twizel

“Barring significant advances in rabbit control tools, DOC Twizel will continue to use Pindone for rabbit control, where appropriate.”